ReadMe - FrontBase PlugIn for WebObjects 5

  1. Introduction
  2. The innards of a FrontBase PlugIn installation
  3. Documentation

1. Introduction

The FrontBase PlugIn for WebObjects 5 is required for WebObjects 5 applications to work properly with the FrontBase RDBMS through a JDBC connection.

2. The innards of a FrontBase PlugIn installation

The FrontBase PlugIn consists of two items which must be installed on the target computer system. There is no automatic installer for the Linux/Unix specific components so a manual installation is required. The following items should be copied to the following folders:

FrontBasePlugIn.framework  ->  NEXT_ROOT/Local/Library/Frameworks
frontbasejdbc.jar          ->  JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext

These items will enable you to connect to FrontBase from WebObjects 5 using the FrontBase plugin.

3. Documentation

To use the FrontBase plugin with WebObjects 5


In the login panel it is only necessary to specify a URL in the URL field. Alternatively the user and password fields can be extracted and entered into the respective fields in the login panel. The URL syntax is as follows:

jdbc:frontbase:// <host info> [<arg list>]

<host info>          ::= <regular> | <cluster list>
<arg list>           ::= <user> | <user password> | <database password> | <session> | <system> | 
                         <isolation level> | <locking discipline> | <access mode> | <prepare statement>

<regular>            ::= host_name <database info>
<cluster list>       ::= <cluster member> {/<cluster member>}

<database info>      ::= /database_name | :port

<cluster member>     ::= database_name@host_name

<user>               ::= /user=user_name
<user password>      ::= /upasswd=user_password
<database password>  ::= /dbpasswd=database_password
<session>            ::= /session=session_id
<system>             ::= /system=system_user
<isolation level>    ::= /isolation=<isolation value>
<locking discipline> ::= /locking=<locking value>
<access mode>        ::= /readOnly=<access value>
<prepare statement>  ::= /pstmt=<prepare value>

<isolation value>    ::= read_uncommitted | read_committed | repeatable_read | serializable | versioned
<locking value>      ::= pessimistic | deferred | optimistic
<access value>       ::= true | false
<prepare value>      ::= client | server

Example: jdbc:FrontBase://localhost/MyDatabase/user=admin/upasswd=secret

Please note that the user name is compulsory for the connection to work. If you have not created any users then you could simply use _SYSTEM (user=_SYSTEM) to get started.

WebObjects 5 runtime:

If the file FrontBasePlugIn.jar is added to the CLASSPATH environmant variabel nothing else is required.

The documentation for the FrontBase database server can be downloaded from our web site Please take the time to peruse this documentation, so you at least have a good feeling for what is in there.